Generally we all believe that gifts are given only on an occasion worth it, or only when the person deserves it. I was also of same mind, but only until recently. I have been living in New York for last 3 years now, working as an executive in the branch of an internal bank. Last Friday, when I returned home, I was surprised to see a gift pack at my door step. It was from one of my friends in India Sukhdeep. He had been very live since ever. After rewinding the memories of him, I came to myself. What this gift is for, it is not my b’day, nor anniversary, nor any festival then what? Nor had I Send Gifts to India or cake to India for anyone. At last when I couldn’t think of any viable reason to receive gift from a friend, I wondered if Sukhdeep had sent it by mistake. I called him at night, when it was noon in India. “Oh yaar, me to aise hi bhej dita bas, ni bhej sakta kya” means “Oh friend I just sent it without a reason, can’t I?” Sukhdeep cleared the fog in my mind, yes why can’t? This at least reminds people of you with a pleasing smile.
It is my turn to react. I have ordered some good online
Gifts to India
, and a few cakes to India to some of my friends of yore, whom I have not been able to contact for quite some time from online gift portal Gujarat Gifts. I’m waiting to hear the same surprise from them now.